Monday, March 23, 2009

Guardians Of The Estate

Curious Georgeanne pictured here on March 23, 2009 at 21 months...

Each pure breed of animal was developed for an expressed function; collies to herd livestock; English setters to find and flush game for the hunter; Labrador retrievers to retrieve ducks from the water; mastiffs to guard an estate; Dalmatians to accompany and guard carriages on long trips; terriers to find and kill varmints; toy breeds to be small, easily portable pets, and so on. First you decide how you want the dog to fit into your life, then you select the breed that most closely fits your needs. If you determine you want a mastiff then you chose well and please feel free to contact me to begin or continue your search for your puppy.

As it says above, mastiffs were bred to guard estates. This is not to say you need 100 rolling acres and a 45 room mansion. "The Estate" is hearth, home, possessions and family. Your mastiff has a born & bred desire to guard the estate of his or her family. This is why early obedience training is so critical. Your mastiff will select a place to lounge where they can observe and guard. When alerted, they will respond to protect. The majority will stand tall and by appearance alone intimidate any stranger from advancing without permission. The minority will be more aggressive, and will require obedience so as to be quickly called to a calm and accepting state of mind.

No one can guarantee you a perfect puppy. Many health related issues that can not be cured are only recently being weeded out by selective breeding. It is important that you deal with only breeders who test to be certain the puppy is sound and healthy.

Hips are a funny thing. I have no faith in preliminary tests. A mastiff's hips are not actually set until they are older than 2 years. In many cases a female should be be bred until she is close to 3, however many breed groups and clubs recommend no earlier than 22 months. As someone who will only breed sparingly - I will have only the cream of the crop of future mastiffs. This is why I will mostly be breeding my mastiffs to one or two other lines, from breeders who have established a proven track record of healthy and loving animals, free from disease and short lived lives.

I breed for soundness of body, mind and spirit, and the trueness of purpose and function. So if you want a mastiff that is healthy, strong, alert able to guard and slobber all over it's loved ones, you are just like me.

To talk more about mastiffs please feel free to contact me or call 732.665.6583.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Here we will give you all the wonderful information on our beautyful Curious Georgeanne. An english mastiff born June 11, 2007. Bred by Margaret & Keith Yates of Dawn Edge. Georgeanne is a wonderful fawn with overall balance who has been shown both on the east coast and mid west in the United States.

Enjoy her pictures and future accomplishments with us. We are very proud of her.